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This is a free event with donations optional. All proceeds go toward beekeeper education, future speaker events, and further development and outreach efforts of the SBGMI. This event will be recorded and available to subscribing SBGMI members following the presentation.

Nicholas Scaramella, a PhD Student in his 3rd year with the Swedish University of Agricultural Science. Hailing from California he is presently studying honey bees in Sweden and has recently published his paper, “Host brood traits, independent of adult behaviours, reduce Varroa destructor mite reproduction in resistant honeybee populations.” In this paper Nicholas explores the function of brood odor/traits as it relates to its impact on the behavior of adult honey bees performing hygienic function. He will share with us the findings of this publication and discuss their application and implication for the future of beekeeping.

This is not a live presentation. Due to time and availability, we will deviate from our normal live presentation and broadcast this recorded webinar. Join us for discussion concerning this intriguing topic following the presentation to discuss your thoughts on brood mechanisms and their impact on adult honey bee hygiene function. There will also be an opportunity to for beekeeping Q&A!

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