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This conference will present two tracks, one for new and intermediate beekeepers to learn the basics and introduction to beekeeping and getting ready for Michigan’s Spring 2023 beekeeping season! A second track for the those who have weathered a season or two or more and seeking advanced tactics and beekeeping education to enhance their hobby and practice!

Registrants receive live and recorded access the day of and following this event. You will receive the ZOOM registration link upon completion of your order in the SBGMI store.

More info is coming and more speakers may be added but you can look forward to hearing from:

Dr. John Harbo, formerly of the USDA ARS Lab in Baton Rouge where the SMR and VSH trait discovery finds its origin. He continues his work in retirement through harbobeeco breeding mite-resistant bees in Louisiana and will be our Key-Note presenter for “Finding Varroa Sensitive Hygiene and Retaining It.”

Robyn Underwood Ph.D, of Penn State Extension Educator, Apiculture

Stephen Repasky, EAS Certified Master Beekeeper and owner of Meadow Sweet Apiaries

Dr. Jamie Ellis, Gahan Endowed Professor Honey Bee Husbandry, Ecology, and Conservation Integrated Crop Pollination

Dr. David Peck, Betterbee’s Director of Research and Education

Adrian Quineyan RN and sideline beekeeper in Northern Wisconsin he boasts a 75% survival rate whilst keeping his bees chemical-free since 2008

Kim Flottum, Accomplished author and former editor of Bee Culture magazine

Michael Bush, Author of The Practical Beekeeper, Beekeeping Naturally and authoritative source on sustainable beekeeping and chemical-free practices

Nathalie B, Master Beekeeper from Texas A&M University, Treatment-Free Beekeeper and founder of Bee-Mindful, LLC

Les Crowder, an authentic Bee Whisperer, an expert beekeeper, professional educator and Head Teacher at the Bee Mindful Beekeeping Academy in Austin, TX

SBGMI was founded out of a desire to see an alternative to the permeation of prophylactic and systemic chemical treatment education and practice for mites (Varroa destructor) in modern beekeeping. The simple objective is to equip beekeepers with knowledge to reduce the dependence on these toxic interventions and facilitate sustainable beekeeping that trends toward better bred bees. We strive to ensure our members receive the support, resources, and opportunities needed to prosper along with their bees. This conference serves to bring together those who know, those who want to grow, and those curious about the path toward treatment-free beekeeping and sustainability in their own apiary!

You will learn from beekeepers who have successfully kept bees in a manner that is within the spirit of the SBGMI Mission. You will also learn about core principles from our speakers on best practices, grow your apiary sustainably while focusing on a chemical-free, natural approach to beekeeping. This conference will provide you with a new perspective, tools, and inspiration to implement the same into your current practice. Whether you are just starting out or looking to make some changes, these speakers will equip you with new and refreshed tools to better your practice and apiary! Our speakers are of good repute and plan to share their habits and philosophies that have enabled them to replicate success in their own apiaries while striving and achieving sustainability whilst remaining free of chemicals.

Pre-Sale Price: $40 (includes annual individual SBGMI membership, access to conference digital recording, 6-month NBH subscription, discounts on ABJ and Bee Culture plus more) ALL TICKET HOLDERS RECEIVE ACCESS TO DIGITAL CONFERENCE RECORDING!

Price increases to $55.00 effective December 1st.


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