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This presentation will provide you with comprehensive action plans to halt the horizontal transmission of Varroa destructor (mites) and Deformed Wing Virus (DWV).

Anarchy Apiaries runs around 1,000 hives that split seasonally into around 2,000 mating nucs with no treatments, minimal feeding, and do-it-yourself “comfort hive” boxes in New York and Florida and spots in between. Through teaching independent, biological beekeeping, he hopes to make it more affordable, approachable, and enjoyable; thus bring the means of production back to the beekeeper.

This free event will be sponsored by the SBGMI. If unable to attend please see “” for options to view the recording!

When: Nov 1st, 2022 at 5:45 PM Eastern. Speaker at 6:00 PM Eastern.

Where: Community Room, Romulus Public Library, 11123 Wayne Rd., Romulus, MI. 48174

Who: After winning 6 hives in a poker game, Sam Comfort worked for several years in commercial beekeeping across America. He started Anarchy Apiaries in 2005 to explore permaculture ideas of low input natural cycles. He breeds queens from hardy survivors, experiments with splitting techniques, and messes around with hive designs. So the mission is to 1) make more beehives than there are televisions, and 2) have a good time, all the time (with bees). Sam’s website is http://www.anarchyapiaries.org

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